
Landscape Supervisor / 植栽管理スーパーバイザー




Please find the English Job Description below.


  • 水やり植物の種類や季節に応じた適切な頻度と量で水やりを実施。自動灌漑システムの管理や調整も含む。
  • 施肥土壌の栄養状態を維持するために、定期的に適切な肥料を施す。季節ごとの必要に応じた施肥計画の立案と実行。
  • 病害虫の管理定期的な点検を行い、病害虫の早期発見と駆除を実施。必要に応じて防除薬剤を使用し、植物の健康を保つ。


  • 剪定と形成: 樹木や低木、花の定期的な剪定を行い健康状態を維持しつつ美しい形状を保つ。
  • 雑草の発生を防ぐために、定期的に除草作業を行う。除草剤の使用や手作業による除草を組み合わせる。
  • 土壌改良: 適切な肥料や有機物を追加することで、土壌の質を向上させ、植物の成長を促進。
  • 清掃と整備ガーデニングエリアや屋外施設の清掃を定期的に行い、落ち葉やゴミを取り除く、又歩道やベンチなどの整備を行い、美観と機能を保つ。


  • 季節に応じた花の植え替えを計画し、実施することで、庭園の美しさを年間を通じて保つ。
  • 冬季には植物の保護や霜対策を行い、寒さから植物を守り、夏場の台風時には必要に応じて台風対策を実施する


  • 害虫の識別と生態の理解 害虫の種類を正確に識別し、その生態を理解することで、効果的な防除方法を選択する。
  • 適切な薬剤の選択と使用 害虫や病気の予防と対処のために、適切な防除薬剤を選び、指示された方法で使用する。
  • 病害虫防除 定期的な点検を行い、病害虫の早期発見と駆除を実施。防除薬剤の使用や自然防除法を組み合わせて、効果的な病害虫対策を行う。
  • 樹木の健康管理 樹木の定期的な健康診断を行い、病気やストレスの兆候を早期に発見して対処。必要に応じて治療や剪定を実施。


  • メンテナンス記録の管理 日常的なメンテナンス作業の記録を付け、作業内容や問題点を管理者に報告。
  • 改善提案 庭園や緑地の管理の改善点を見つけ、定期的に提案を行う。.


  • 協力会社との作業スケジュールを調整し、業務の円滑な進行を図る。
  • 協力会社との間で発生した問題や課題を迅速に解決し、必要な調整を行う
  • 協力会社との定期的なミーティングを開催し、進捗状況や今後の計画について共有する


  • 同部門、他部門より要請があった場合、優先順位を考えて可能な限り要望に答える.


  • スタッフの監督、指導、トレーニングを行う
  • 労働安全衛生規則を遵守し、安全な作業環境を確保する


  • 植栽管理の経験が5年以上が望ましい。 ・≪エンジニア部門共通/
  • 必要な工具及び電動工具を揃える
  • 工具管理台帳及び備品管理台帳を作成して毎月在庫品等をチェックする
  • 部品、資材等を揃える発注業務
  • 部品及び消耗品を購入する際、口頭ではなく記録を残す(発注依頼書)
  • 納品書は必ず確認
  • 外注業者に作業依頼
Key Responsibilities

Plant health care

  • Watering plants at the appropriate frequency and amount according to the type of plant and season. Includes managing and adjusting automatic irrigation systems
  • Fertiliser application Apply appropriate fertiliser regularly to maintain the nutritional status of the soil. Develop and implement a fertiliser application plan according to seasonal needs.
  • Control of pests and diseases Regular inspections are carried out for early detection and control of pests and diseases. Use control chemicals as necessary to maintain plant health
Care of plantings
  • Pruning and shaping: regular pruning of trees, shrubs and flowers to maintain their health and beautiful shape
  • Regular weeding operations to prevent weed infestation. Combine the use of herbicides and manual weeding
  • Soil amendment: Adding appropriate fertilisers and organic matter improves soil quality and promotes plant growth
  • Cleaning and maintenance Regular cleaning of gardening areas and outdoor facilities to remove leaves and litter, and maintenance of walkways, benches, etc. to maintain aesthetics and functionality.
Seasonal responses
  • Maintain the beauty of the gardens throughout the year by planning and implementing seasonal flower replacements.
  • Protect plants from the cold by providing plant protection and frost protection in winter, and implement typhoon protection as necessary during summer typhoons.
  • Pest control and tree health management
  • Identifying pests and understanding their ecology Accurately identify pest species and understand their ecology to select effective control methods.
  • Select and use appropriate chemicals Select and use appropriate control chemicals as indicated to prevent and deal with pests and diseases.
  • Pest control Regular inspections are carried out for early detection and control of pests. Use a combination of pest control chemicals and natural control methods for effective pest control.
  • Tree health management Regular health checks of trees to detect and deal with signs of disease and stress at an early stage. Treatment and pruning carried out as necessary.

Recording and reporting

  • Maintenance record keeping Keep records of routine maintenance work and report work and problems to management.
  • Suggestions for improvement Identify areas for improvement in the management of gardens and green spaces and make regular suggestions

Cooperation with subcontractors

  • Coordinates work schedules with subcontractors to ensure smooth progression of work.
  • Promptly resolve problems and issues that arise with subcontractors and make necessary adjustments
  • Hold regular meetings with subcontractors to share progress and future plans.

Help Desk Operations

  • When requests are received from other departments, we prioritize them and strive to fulfill them to the best of our ability, considering their urgency and importance. Management and training of staff
  • Supervise, mentor and train facilities management staff
  • Comply with occupational health and safety regulations and ensure a safe working environment


  • At least five years' experience in planting management is desirable
  • Common to the engineering sector
  • Inventory management:
  • Acquire necessary tools and power tools.
  • Prepare tool and equipment control ledgers and check stock, etc. monthly
  • Ensure availability of parts, materials, etc
  • When purchasing parts and consumables, always maintain records by using purchase requisition forms instead of relying on verbal communication
  • Always verify delivery receipts.
  • Issue work requests to external contractors.


The resort’s 55 villa accommodations will feature private pools, landscaped gardens and unobstructed sea views. Conceived by Netherlands-based Studio Piet Boon, the architecture and interiors are seamlessly designed to immerse guests in the natural surroundings and express harmony with the island through the extensive use of local materials. Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei Inc. is providing local architectural expertise and support in realizing the design vision. Four restaurants and bars will include relaxed beachfront concepts showcasing fresh seafood, prized island-raised beef, locally distilled spirits and craft beer. With a stunning seascape as a backdrop, the resort’s indoor and outdoor event venues will host unforgettable destination weddings and private celebrations. On-site recreation will include a standalone Rosewood Explorer’s Club, Rosewood’s program for younger guests designed to inspire creativity and imagination, encourage adventure, discovery and social responsibility through unique experiences attuned to the destination. Asaya, Rosewood’s pioneering integrated wellness concept, will offer treatment rooms set amid private gardens, indoor and outdoor hydrotherapy facilities and a menu of programs and services influenced by local healing traditions. Beyond the resort, guests will discover an abundance of vividly picturesque sites, from the majestic natural stone arch of nearby Sunayama beach to the perfectly poised lighthouse at Higashi-Hennazaki Cape (a nationally designated “Place of Scenic Beauty”) and the seven-kilometer stretch of Yonaha Maehama, regularly ranked as Japan’s best beach and renowned for its cinematic sunsets. Even a brief sojourn will reveal distinctive customs, culture, dialects, cuisine and crafts as well as the beguiling ways of the Okinawan uchinanchu (“sea people”) who inhabit the island.