
Pool Engineers Supervisor/ 水質管理 (施設管理部門)




Fluency in Japanese is a requirement for this role.
※飲料水の供給量が1日100㎡と定められており、断水にならないようにコントロールする ※The drinking water supply is set at 100 m2 per day and is controlled so that it is not cut off. 1)プールの水質監視と水質維持清掃 ・プールの水質を定期的に監視し、必要に応じてサンプリングを行う。 ・塩素濃度、pH値、水温、など日常的に測定して水質維持に努める ・プール水質品質向上の為、水質維持に取り組む ・プール水中内にゴミが沈殿、浮遊している場合定期的に取り除く Pool water quality monitoring and sampling ・Regularly monitor pool water quality and sample as necessary. ・Maintain water quality by routinely measuring chlorine concentration, pH value, water temperature, etc. ・Work on water quality maintenance to improve pool water quality ・Regularly remove any debris settled or floating in the pool water. 2)プール水質の分析と管理 ・水質分析結果に基づき、必要な化学物質を調整して水質を最適化する ・水質点検にてデータを記録・管理する。 ・水質検査の法令点検厳守 Analysis and management of pool water quality ・Optimise water quality by adjusting the required chemicals based on the results of water quality analysis ・Record and manage data at water quality inspections. ・Strict adherence to legal inspections of water quality testing 3) 飲料水の水質検査と管理 ・飲料水の水質を定期的に検査し、各種基準を満たしているか確認する ・水質点検にてデータを記録・管理する。 ・水質検査の法令点検遵守 Drinking water quality testing and management ・Regularly test the quality of drinking water to ensure it meets various standards ・Record and manage data at water quality inspections. ・Compliance with legal inspections of water quality testing. 4) 薬品の注入と管理 ・水質を維持するために次亜塩素酸ナトリウムなど適切に注入する ・自動注入システムを操作し、正確な薬品の投入量を管理する ・必要に応じて手動で薬品を調整し、水質を最適な状態に保つ ・薬品を取り扱う場合、安全保護具を使用して作業する。 Chemical dosing and administration ・Appropriate injection, e.g. sodium hypochlorite, to maintain water quality. ・Operate automated dosing systems and control accurate dosing of chemicals. ・Manual adjustment of chemicals as required to maintain optimum water quality. ・When handling chemicals, work with safety protective equipment. 5) 化学薬品の取扱いと保管 ・塩素剤や他の薬品などの化学薬品を適切に取扱い、安全に保管する ・化学薬品の在庫管理を行い、適切な量を確保する ・安全データシート(MSDS)を準備して保管する Handling and storage of chemicals ・Properly handle and safely store chemicals such as chlorinated agents and other chemicals ・Maintain chemical inventories to ensure adequate quantities ・Prepare and store safety data sheets (MSDS). 6) 設備の維持管理 ・フィルター、ポンプ、ボイラー、塩素注入システムなどのプール設備を定期的に点検・メンテナンスする ・設備の異常や故障が発生した際には迅速に対応し、必要な修理を行う Maintenance and management of equipment ・Regularly inspect and maintain pool equipment such as filters, pumps, boilers and chlorine dosing systems ・Promptly respond to any equipment malfunction or failure and carry out necessary repairs. 7) 利用者とのコミュニケーション ・飲料水に関してお客様からの問い合わせや苦情に対応し、適切な情報提供を行う ・プール利用者お関してお客様からの問い合わせや苦情に対応し、適切な情報提供を行う Communication with users ・Respond to customer enquiries and complaints about drinking water and provide appropriate information ・Respond to customer enquiries and complaints concerning pool users and provide appropriate information. 8)定期報告と文書作成 ・水質監視結果やメンテナンス状況を定期的に報告書にまとめ、管理する。 ・問題発生時の対応記録を作成する ・年間管理計画表に定められた点検周期及び項目、結果を確認する。 Periodic reporting and documentation. "・ Prepare and maintain regular reports on the results of water quality monitoring and maintenance status. " ・Prepare records of response to problems ・Check the inspection cycle, items and results as specified in the annual management plan. 9)設備の安全管理/自然災害 ・ 建物や設備の安全性を確保するための措置を講じます。これには火災安全、自然災害(台風)などが含まれます。 Facility Safety Management / Natural Disasters ・Measures are taken to ensure the safety of buildings and equipment. This includes fire safety and natural disasters (typhoons). 10)火災安全: ・ホテル内には適切な火災報知システムや消火器、非常口などの設備を把握して、火災の発生や拡大を防止するための対策を講じます。また、火災訓練や避難訓練を定期的に実施し、従業員や宿泊客が適切に対応できるようにします。 Fire Safety ・Fire safety: - Identify appropriate fire alarm systems, fire extinguishers, emergency exits and other equipment in the hotel to prevent the outbreak or spread of fire. In addition, fire drills and evacuation drills are regularly conducted to ensure that employees and guests can respond appropriately. 11)外部ベンダーとの調整: ・ホテルの外部ベンダーや請負業者と連携し、必要なサービスを提供してもらうための契約の管理や調整を行います。 Coordination with External Vendors ・We collaborate with external vendors and contractors of the hotel to manage and coordinate contracts for the provision of necessary services 12)緊急対応:: 火災や自然災害、台風など技術的なトラブルなどの緊急事態が発生した場合に迅速に対応し、適切な措置を講じます。これには、緊急連絡先の設定や避難手順の周知、緊急連絡体制の構築などが含まれます。火災、水漏れ、停電などの緊急事態が発生した場合に迅速に対応し、適切な措置を講じます。 Emergency Response ・In case of emergencies such as fires, natural disasters, typhoons, or technical issues, we respond promptly and take appropriate measures. This includes setting up emergency contacts, informing about evacuation procedures, and establishing an emergency communication system. We act swiftly and take necessary actions in the event of emergencies like fires, water leaks, power outages, and other critical situations 13)エネルギー効率と環境配慮/地域貢献: 施設のエネルギー効率を向上し、環境への影響を最小限に抑えるための取り組みを実施する。 ・コスト削減: エネルギーはホテルの運営費用の大きな部分を占めます。エネルギー効率を高めることで、電気代、ガス代、水道代などのエネルギーコストを削減し、運営コスト全体を削減する。 ・地域周辺のごみ拾いなど計画的に積極的に行動して、地域のボランティアに参加する。 Energy Efficiency, Environmental Consideration, and Community Contribution ・Implementing initiatives to improve the energy efficiency of the facilities and minimize their environmental impact. ・Cost Reduction: Energy constitutes a significant portion of the hotel's operating expenses. By enhancing energy efficiency, we can reduce energy costs such as electricity, gas, and water bills, thereby reducing overall operating costs ・Participate in local volunteering by taking planned and proactive action, such as picking up litter around the community. Qualifications – 資格 ・電気工事士取得者、ボイラー取扱者、冷凍機械責任者等の資格を有しているのが望ましい。 ・It is desirable to have a qualification such as an electrical contractor, boiler handler, refrigeration machinery manager, etc. Experience – 経験 ・施設管理職及び水質維持に関わる業務として経験3年以上 ・At least 3 years' experience as a facility manager and in water quality maintenance ≪エンジニア部門共通/Common to the engineering sector≫ 備品管理 1 必要な工具及び電動工具を揃える 2 工具管理台帳及び備品管理台帳を作成して毎月在庫品等をチェックする 3 部品、資材等を揃える Inventory management:     1.Acquire necessary tools and power tools.     2.Prepare tool and equipment control ledgers and check stock, etc. monthly.     3.Ensure availability of parts, materials, etc 発注業務 1 部品及び消耗品を購入する際、口頭ではなく記録を残す(発注依頼書) 2 納品書は必ず確認 3 外注業者に作業依頼 Procurement tasks 1.When purchasing parts and consumables, always maintain records by using purchase requisition forms instead of relying on verbal communication.      2.Always verify delivery receipts. 3.Issue work requests to external contractors. ヘルプ業務 1 同部門、他部門より要請があった場合、優先順位を考えて可能な限り要望に答える Help Desk Operations 1.When requests are received from other departments, we prioritize them and strive to fulfill them to the best of our ability, considering their urgency and importance.


The resort’s 55 villa accommodations will feature private pools, landscaped gardens and unobstructed sea views. Conceived by Netherlands-based Studio Piet Boon, the architecture and interiors are seamlessly designed to immerse guests in the natural surroundings and express harmony with the island through the extensive use of local materials. Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei Inc. is providing local architectural expertise and support in realizing the design vision. Four restaurants and bars will include relaxed beachfront concepts showcasing fresh seafood, prized island-raised beef, locally distilled spirits and craft beer. With a stunning seascape as a backdrop, the resort’s indoor and outdoor event venues will host unforgettable destination weddings and private celebrations. On-site recreation will include a standalone Rosewood Explorer’s Club, Rosewood’s program for younger guests designed to inspire creativity and imagination, encourage adventure, discovery and social responsibility through unique experiences attuned to the destination. Asaya, Rosewood’s pioneering integrated wellness concept, will offer treatment rooms set amid private gardens, indoor and outdoor hydrotherapy facilities and a menu of programs and services influenced by local healing traditions. Beyond the resort, guests will discover an abundance of vividly picturesque sites, from the majestic natural stone arch of nearby Sunayama beach to the perfectly poised lighthouse at Higashi-Hennazaki Cape (a nationally designated “Place of Scenic Beauty”) and the seven-kilometer stretch of Yonaha Maehama, regularly ranked as Japan’s best beach and renowned for its cinematic sunsets. Even a brief sojourn will reveal distinctive customs, culture, dialects, cuisine and crafts as well as the beguiling ways of the Okinawan uchinanchu (“sea people”) who inhabit the island.